Containers OpenStack OVS/OVN

Debugging ML2/OVN database discrepancies

Last week I had a customer with an issue in an OpenStack deployment running with ML2/OVN. Randomly, when creating a virtual machine, the Nova server returned a timeout during the VIF plugin. It took us some time to discover that the IP address assigned to the new port was already assigned to a rogue Logical_Switch_Port […]

L3/routing OpenStack OVS/OVN

Using a tunnelled network as router gateway in Neutron ML2/OVN

One symptom of narcissism is to make self-referring quotes; thus this is how I’ll start this post. Previously in this fantastic blog, we talked about the high availability router gateway ports in OVN. In this post we briefly commented that the gateway Logical Router Ports are scheduled across the gateway chassis, using any of the […]


ovsdbapp, your library for Open vSwitch and OVN

The first thing you will notice reviewing the code of this library is a common pattern: Terry Wilson, one of the fathers of the creature. It has many other contributors, but he is the main maintainer. Thanks! This library provides a Python native implementation to access to the Open vSwitch database, using the OVSDB management […]