OpenStack Tech

Testing Keepalived

Welcome back! I just finished my lethargic aestival period, emerging from the swimming pool like a manatee. Back to the (awaited) office routine, I had a clash with Keepalived; actually with around four hundred instances. Yes, 400 instances spawned to control the same number of high availability routers in OpenStack. The OpenStack L3 agent is […]

OpenStack Tech

Network namespaces and containers

Openstack can be deployed in several ways. For example, for testing and development, devstack is used. For production environments, Kolla-Ansible provides a set of tools to define, create and deploy a set of containers running the needed services. TripleO is another deployment tool that can be configured to run the services on containers. Neutron, the […]


Database query testing in OpenStack Neutron

Welcome to the exciting world of databases! At least for the project in OpenStack I know best, which is Neutron. Neutron, and if I’m not wrong all the OpenStack projects, use SQLAlchemy as ORM library. Here you can read how this ORM was introduced in OpenStack to be the only API to talk to the […]

OpenStack Tech

Python multithreading

As commented in my introductory post, this blog pretends to be a kind of work diary, and sometimes will be the shoulder to cry on. In relation to threads, regardless of the programming language, a programmer needs to be mentally strong. Jokes aside, I would like first to introduce this post with some links to […]

OpenStack Tech

OpenStack local git mirror

If you are an OpenStack developer, you will know about devstack. This deployment tool, used only for testing and development, will retrieve all needed OpenStack projects from a defined git server; by default The “stacking” process (collect all needed projects, install all dependencies and start the projects as configured) usually takes around 10 minutes. […]